It was On June 7, 2017 that I jumped on a call with Gary L Mahler and Karen Pery. That call would transform my LIFE.

I had heard about a mystical surf retreat they had created and I wanted to experience what the Into The Fire Women’s Surf Retreat would be like. As I spent time with Gary and Karen my soul was inspired to head to Malibu and have my life transformed.


It turned out to be the beginning of the ride of a lifetime. An ongoing adventure that still resonates.

What started off as a desire to attend a 4 day retreat turned into a month long sabbatical in California. Unplugging from the way I had up until that point been living and doing things. I got to do the things my soul yearned for. Surfing, surfing as the dolphins showed up, being in nature, envisioning my future coaching practice. Connecting with inspiring people and leaders. Being brave and doing things that scare me (driving in LA, specifically the 405 anyone?!) Becoming more of me.

It’s hard to put into words what “happens” at the retreat. The tag line “The World’s Most Transformational Beach Party” proved to be exactly that AND so much more.

Since the retreat, life has continued to unfold in the most magical way possible. My tagline has become “and the magic continues”.

Because of ITF, because I said YES (despite being scared), I got to experience things I couldn’t imagine, things I didn’t know I wanted or that were even possible.

I connected with people who took me on awesome adventures I couldn’t make up if I tried.

A casual morning breakfast conversation in Malibu turned into surfing an uncrowded perfect wave on a private beach.

A few days later I found myself surfing a wave I never even realised was my dream wave, at a location that I had been watching on a surf DVD and had dreamed of surfing for years. I got chills when I realised where I was and what was happening, like being in a movie, without me doing anything to “make” it happen. Simply following the flow of my desire.

This lead to another surf session at another magical location which almost got cancelled because – no waves. Except i wanted to paddle out anyway to just be, soak up the vibes and sit with this inspiring woman and instructor. No one was out and the people who were checking the waves left because – no waves. We paddled out and suddenly – waves! We surfed perfect peeling waves with no one else out (a surfer’s dream), encouraging each other on and feeling the stoke together. Probably my fav surf session EVER. We still talk about that session to this day.

I connected with someone who turned out to be a client and a freaking inspirational rockstar of a client at that.

Then this spring a spontaneous Into the Fire adventure opportunity came up surfing warm tropical waves with open hearted people in the Philippines. With the same woman form the magical no wave surf session. That wasn’t even on my list and yet saying yes created more magic.

I got to DJ at surf contest at said location and one of my online DJ students showed up randomly.

Another student made the trip up and later invited me to stay in Manila with him and his girlfriend and attend a portable DJ meet and greet and jam with local scratch DJs. I was treated like royalty and got to experience the beauty of the local countryside and cuisine.

Everywhere I go I connect with the kindest, most loving, welcoming people.

I’ve met and been trained by my coaching heros. I’ve ended up assisting at a coaching event and once again connecting with the most incredible women, who love and support one another’s awesomeness and journeys thorough life.

A year later I am now Gary’s apprentice, Karen is my coaching mentor and we are on a year long adventure together, one of transformation, growth and creating all kinds of awesome that we can’t even imagine. I am beyond stoked to be assisting this years event (and the first ever Into the Fire Men’s Retreat in Hawaii in November).

When I dared to tell Gary about my dream of being his apprentice, it seemed so far removed from reality that it didn’t even seem possible. Yet that part of me that said yes to ITF knew that anything is possible and speaking it out loud was the first step and unfold it would.

If I could go back in time and meet my past self I would give her a huge hug and thank her for giving me the gift of this experience. Past self, you are awesome!

I continue to be supported by the incredible bunch of women I met on the beach, the ITF alumni, my sisters, as we hold each other’s visions and encourage each other onward.

The life I dream of has become a reality as I continue to grow and expand.

I’m sharing this message with you today because if reading this sparks something in you, if you crave transformation, adventure and want to to feel ALIVE, unplug, be taken care of, be at the beach, be given the gift of seeing your self in all your magnificence and to ultimately do life differently, I encourage you to reach out and connect with Gary L Mahler or Karen Pery to see what the ride of your life might look like and what is possible for you. Magic awaits.